Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Haven Heartbeats

Malachy:.......Ahhh......My little guy is growing up.....he does not need assistance anymore in the bathroom AND he is taking showers now.......two so far, to be exact. Sheesh. I miss my five year old........and next month he will be seven...........sigh.

On Sunday, after mass, I was helping him with his thanksgiving prayers...........and I was giving him suggestions of things to talk to God about.......just trying to share with him that God is interested with all parts of our lives, even the everyday things:

Mama: You can ask God to help you play soccer good...... (please ignore the grammar).

Malachy: Hmmph! Mama! I already AM one of the goodest players on my team (this after only two practices???)......

Mama: Well, then, pray for humility.

Malachy.......look of confusion. :)

Always funnier in real time.

And, on the way home......discussing the fact that we saw THREE sandhill cranes on our way to mass.

Malachy says to Anne: Why do they name a bird with a bad word? ....with shock that people would be so ridiculous.

Anne: What are you talking about?

Malachy: You know.....Sand HELL cranes???? :)

On the side: the lesser sandhill crane is my favorite bird...........and our way to mass is right near a bird reserve...........and we get to see amazing birds on the way, even if we cannot see the reserve. Swans, pelicans, sandhill cranes, Bald eagles, golden Eagles, etc.......This is the FIRST year we have ever seen the sandhill cranes on our mass roadtrips. It is SO exciting!

Guess what? While I was sitting here typing this up, he came in and hugged me and started kissing my face all over. SO, how long will that last??? Never long enough. What do we do when no one wants to hug or cuddle anymore?

Well, I guess there is always Maddelyn. :)

Internet Update: Marty has contracted to get us high speed internet in our home, for the first time ever. YES! We should be up and running by the end of the month, IF things go smoothly :) And, we will get set up for wireless. YES! And, will see more photos.........because the way it works now, I have to shrink each photo before I can upload it here.....and then that takes a few minutes to ten minutes each time. sigh.

More on Malachy:

before I got a chance to post this.......

Malachy: I am glad I am not a girl so I do not have to have a baby in my tummy. :)

I reminded him that Gloria was going to have a baby very soon........

and he says: You know who else has a baby in their tummy?

I say: who?

He says: Aunt Jennifer!!!! We saw her tummy, remember? :)

that's it......a lot from some one who was not going to be posting. :)


My hallway is a mess and I need to get it fixed back up.........sometimes cleaning is a MESSY business!

God bless your week!


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