Friday, October 31, 2008

Haven Heartbeats

Wow, what a dreary day....definitely looks like November......and, it looks like the next ten days are dreary, too. I am kind of glad it is dreary.......because, as expected, I have PWTS: Post-Work Traumatic Syndrome......and I feel quite dreary. My head hurts......and to have a beautiful day mocking my mood would be just too much for me to endure at this time.

I am glad I do not have to go anywhere today. I do have one appointment coming to me this morning. Our charter school educational specialist is meeting for our monthly get-together, whereby I give her a list of our educational endeavors for the month......and learning samples for each subject.

And, lest anyone decide we must not be homeschooling, because we belong to a charter school....please know that we school AT HOME and do not even attend classes at the site....or rarely, anyway. Nor does anyone tell us what curriculum to use. And, we use Catholic materials when we prefer.........the school just does pay for any religious materials. Not all charter schools are created California, or state to state. Our charter school is awesome, started by teachers who not only believe in alternative education, but who also homeschool their own kids. Some of these teachers are even unschooling their own children. Our teachers are wonderful.

Our own "teacher" is more of a friend or family member we have been with her for over 11 years........Garrett was only 5 months old and the four younger children do not even remember not having Shelly in our lives. We all love her. And, we have shared her with some of our other friends, like Shawna and Louise......and they love her, too. Shelly is also the director, or "principal" of our school.

So, thank you to anyone who prayed for my work day yesterday. It was a smooth day, even if it was a labor patient. :) She was a young girl, and at first it seemed like we would not be bonding turns out she liked my style, which was truly only in response to what I was reading from her........and we did have a lovely day. She was ten centimeters just before the end of my shift and had her baby girl just after my shift ended. Since I had some charting to do, I was able to see the wee lass just before I left. Cute pudgy cheeks from the start!

I could feel the prayer husband and kids were praying for me, too. I felt peace all day.......even though with what went on in my day, I do not always feel such peace. I really appreciate it.

Have a blessed day!




Anonymous said...

I have Shelly, too! SHE ROCKS!

Willa said...

I'm glad it was peaceful!