Sunday, August 10, 2008


You can find The Simple Woman here

For yesterday.........

My Hearts' Haven Daybook, August 10, 2008

Outside My is still a bit smokey.....see my Summer of Smoke least we can see the mountains today. Yesterday started out lovely and by late afternoon the mountains had been 8pm it was a very creepy place.......dark, and yet it was not night. Ugh.

I am thinking..........I wish I could breathe more easily. I need to remember to email the homeopathic physician today!

I am thankful husband of 23 years today.......and my great kids that have come from this love.

Oh, and Anne overheard Marty talking to my friend Su last week while she was scrapbooking..........and he told her how much he loves Christmas because he gets a new scrapbooking album from me and a scrapbook calendar from my kids. I am glad he appreciates it.........esp when I need him to pay for the supplies. :)

From the kitchen.......shall I be too embarrassed to say??? As we have been company away from home, or had company at home for 14 days straight.......we are exhausted. We are tired of chopping and baking...........there is a Costco Lasagna in the oven for my meat-eaters.........the vegans will be fending for themselves tonight. Will probably add steamed verggies fresh from the garden.

I am wearing........oh, no......not again!.........another camping dress :) I got out of the shower and put my swimsuit cover dress on because it is light, airy and flowing.............and it is just what I needed today.

I am creating.......this, I guess. I NEED to be creating a meal plan for our camping trip this week. So not in the mood. (update.........I am starting to be inspired, finally)

I am try to go accomplish something.....anything.......maybe clean-up the garage a bit to please my hubby who got stuck at work today :( It is just a grocery-run that needs putting in its place. And, then, maybe a school check-list for my almost 7yo. I think he will like that. I will revamp someone's past list. I am also going to call my youngest sister. Update: garage is done and I cleaned the car out............ready for camping packing.......and I started collecting some of the camping supplies.

I am reading.........same as last week, plus a bit of the first issue of mater et magistra that showed up here last week.

I am hoping..........I can get the school stuff in order for starting ALL of the kids by next Monday. Four out of six are accounted for.............I saved the two easiest for last.........and will need to go over everything with the other kids give them a reminder. THIS is SO much better than last year's start.

I am hearing......Josh Groban singing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. I LOVE his voice..........I LOVE that song........and Malachy imitating 2yo Charlotte saying: "Say you berr not, you berr not."

Around the house.......LOTS of laundry to be folded..............scrapbook stuff to be put away..........mostly quiet with three of the kids off helping a friend to paint for $$.

One of my favorite a Rosary novena. I just love the grace. Praying to start one on the 14th, so it can end in time for the Feast of the Holy Rosary.

Please leave any special intentions in my comment section, and I will add it to my Rosary novena. I would love to pray for you!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Prepare to go camping near Crater Lake National Park, go camping near Crater Lake National Park and clean-up from camping near Crater Lake National Park. :) Enough said.

Special prayer requests on my mind this week: Continued prayers for two of my favorite people who are expecting baqbies the same week of September. My kids are SO excited.........two cousins in one week! (one is blood and the other via friendship) The only thing better is a new sibling of their own ;) This they will tell you.............(no, I am not pregnant) ......and my private intentions.

I am currently scrapbooking........I am just SO excited.........I never got to do anything on my wedding album till this morning.......and I got the WHOLE thing finished only took two and a half long years.......but it is DONE!............AND, all the photos are in place in the other album.......journaling and extras to follow. I will plug away at that over the next few months in order to hand it finished to Marty for Christmas. Now, ready to start the next album, which includes my college graduation and the birth of my first niece and my firstborn.

At this point, officially, slightly less than 21 years behind! yes! I think I now have six albums done:
~Christmas photos and newsletters
~Our Hearts' Haven (building the house and developing this property)
~Marty's family and pre-marriage life
~My family and pre-marriage life
~what I call "Our Story"......Volume one is completed for viewing

YES! Only a million to go!!! I keep taking photos! :)

Malachy finally started his own album: he did great and has four pages done. He has been paying attention to the details of my scrapbooking and his siblings, too, and has style already. And, show him how to use the tools once...........he gets it. Very cute. He is scrapbooking our trip from last fall: Disneyland, Getty Museum, ocean visit, Aunts and Uncles..............

NOTE: I stand corrected from a past blog post: My friend Patty, who so graciously tutors my boy in math (not remedial......just to keep him moving forward.......which HAS been difficult this summer. All too soon school will officially start.....then he will be on task......anyway.........), has let me know that my grandma is not the only one who reads my blog regularly. Thanks, Patty. :)

Here is picture thought I am sharing........

I LOVE this photo..............straight out of my raspberry patch, last June, just as they were ripening.

God bless your week.

Keep our travels in your prayers, please.


PS: School starts next, do not get too used to all of this is short-lived. :)


Willa said...

You know my prayer intention, right? I'll pray for a GOOD school year for you, plus any other intentions you might have.

Thru Pink Curtains said...

you take my breath away with all the things going on in your life. I often wonder how i did it alone with four kids but we do!!! Have a good 'breathless' wonderful rest of the week

Mackenzie said...

Oh this is a small world!! Okay, Peggy (The Simple Woman) is the mama of another of my pen-pal's! :)