Saturday, November 1, 2008

All I really want to say about this election......

I recently received an email from Catholic

I hope they will not mind if I print just the beginning of the message......because really, it is the MOST important part.

"Every week, Dr. Jeff Mirus shares his wit and wisdom with over 20,000 people through his email messages."

You can sign up at the link below. I cannot find his whole letter on the website. That's okay.......this is the part I wanted to write about..........

So, here are his words:

10/31/2008 - The Quest for Holiness

~~~This is my last Insights message before Election Day in America, so I'll leave you with one final thought: Voting is part of the quest for holiness.

As Christians we are called to be a special leaven in the social order. Every aspect of our public lives should be an occasion of grace. Every decision should be made for love of God....~~~~~

Please think about God,
your soul,
the souls of others....
...the souls of babies, murdered daily....
.....think about obeying God
and His Commandments.... your vote pleasing or offensive to God?......
...think about YOUR final judgment before God....
......before you cast your ballot this week.
Prayerfully yours.......

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