Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Two Worldly Successful Young People Answer God's Call

This most excellent article was brought to my attention today:

Harvard Validictorian chooses the religious life

I read this aloud to my girls.  This young woman has wise advice.  Looks like she is a good thinker.  :)  DO read this article if you have will give you food for thought, as you and your children pray for their vocation.

Also, earlier this year, there was another story, of a young man "giving up" a potentially successful baseball career to answer God's call to him to become a priest.  His story is here.

I am proud of these young should always seek the higher calling from God first...and then see what he has in store if the religious life is not for him.  I appreciate these two excellent examples to hold up for our children.

Blessings to you and yours, and especially on our children's vocations!


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