Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Haven Heartbeats

You know, sometimes there are just so many FACEBOOK statuses rattling in your mind, you might as well write a blog post!  ;)

Sometimes that need to write is just so overwhelming, you might as well just write a blog post.

Like I even have time for this......but, maybe it will clear my mind and I can get back to quieter thinking.....


I love watching my older kids look at their struggles...and then turn to God for help.....with prayers, novenas, lighting candles after mass.......even a novena of Masses......all on their own initiative.  I beg God to help them to keep their prayer life always active.....and to help them to be a light to others.


We have a somewhat busy day today:

There are three things that need ot be accomplished outside of our home and they are in blocks of time.

First, the girls need to get to Patty's for their math tutoring.  Patty is finally finished with all of her cancer treaments....with the exception of a few follow-up appointments.  Now, she can focus on the complete recovery and see what it feels like to have an empty nest, having just just sent her youngest off to college.  How did that happen??!!

Second, our sweet friend Louise is sponsoring a birthday party for Sheila's latest foreign exchange student.  The kids met the girl on monday and say she is quite sweet.  Her American name is Sara and she hails from Germany.  She will only be here through December.  We love to include Sheila's students in our we have plans for ballroom dancing and hiking.  But first, there must be this tea party for her birthday!  Louise found out on Monday that Sara's birthday had passed in the last week and she did not have a party.........of course, Miss Gifts-for-a-love-language (Louise) must make sure everyone gets their party.  :)

The girls have picked out a gorgeous skirt for Sara's that matches theirs and a few of their friends.  Malachy is busy painting a paint-by-number wolf for a gift.  I may see if I can find a sweet souvenir of our town.

And, thirdly, Garrett plays in his first soccer game of the season.  He was blessed to get his "first" favorite coach.  Alex was the best coach we had ever had for one of our kids....and we are so excited to be back with him.  Since then, the two younger boys have had some great coaches.  But, this coach started it all.  Unfortunately, he cannot be here today.  He has been called away on a fire.  And, his assistant is also, he called Marty.  Today, Marty will coach Garrett's team.  Should be fun.....Marty knows most sports well...but soccer is more on the surface.  I know he will do fine.  I better go charge up the camera batteries.  ;)

I also need to get to the charter school today to make a bunch of copies so the girls can get started on some of their school work.


Speaking of school.........I never had time to plan in June with all of that painting and decluttering........and then Matthew arrived home from Switzerland.....and he kept us pretty busy till we took him off to TAC and then we traveled another, I am desperately trying to get it all put together.  I have Maddelyn's and Sarah's all planned out........I just need to make a couple of more syllabi for things to work better and to make their check-off lists.  Then there are the boys.......I have a rough idea of what they are doing........I got Malachy started on his math.......and I will get Garrett started today.  I decided to just assume school for us would officially start with the second learning period on September 20th.  We will just limp by till that day.

Aha.......I will go put on a book-on-tape to get them started for the year:  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is up on queue!  That's school and not very mom-intensive!  ;)


Our Mondays will be crazy, as fact, maybe more so!

Every Monday....
-the girls clean for two hours at Shawna's house
-all four of the kids have piano lessons
-I will lead a Junior IEW Writing Workshop
-and then I will lead a Senior Writing Workshop
-Malachy has a soccer game for the next two months
-eventually Garrett will have basketball practice
-and of course, we may also have Shakespeare Club....though we may move that to Wednesdays

No wonder I always answer no when they ask me to work on a Monday!

I am SOOOO grateful to be abusing Anne till she starts school!  She has been doing a lot of my driving for me so I can keep planning school.  It is such a relief to get to stay home.  Thanks, my dear!


The cooking going on at Hearts' Haven is Mmmmmmmm!!!

We have a had few new Italian dishes.......the girls made three cheese sauce & mushrooms with tortellinis and I made Asparagus & Lemon Risotto....both served with salads......delish!

Tonight, we are having a petite Lebanese feast........the girls have already made the tabouli, humus and cucumbers with laban.  We have pulled the perviously-made grape leaf rolls and kibbee from the freezer so we are good to go!  Oh, and we must throw in a little bit of khubs!...Olives......wonder if we have olives somewhere?  We must, with all of this Middle-Eastern blood around here!

Tomorrow night, the girls are cooking Indian food.  Looking forward to the new dishes!

For the tea party, Anne made some tea cookies.....all I know is they have fresh rosemary and pinenuts; they smell and look good!  They also made a special chicken salad for sandwiches.

Special prayer requests on our mind:

My friend Lucia's sister Angela has had a relapse of cancer & the news is grim.  We are all praying through the intercession of Sister Lucia of Fatima for a miracle.  One more miracle is needed for canonization.

Marc Berquist, one of the founder sof TAC and one of the tutors, has been diagnosed with lymphoma.  the kids and I are asking Giancarlo Rastelli for his intercession....for a miracle cure...and then it can out Rastelli closer to canonization. 

We are also begging Rastelli for a cure for Baby Tristen, who was born with a serious heart defect.  Since he was a pediatric heart doctor, it seems most befitting.  Babies with congenital heart defects are always close to our hearts.  Oh, and let's not forget St. John of God, the patron of heart patients!

We do not know any of these people personally.....but we know they covet prayers on their behalf.

Lastly, could you please pray for my mom?  She has some serious health problems right now....and a happy resolution would be appreciated!


Anne noted on Facebook that there was an "exquisite dusting of snow" on the mountain.  I had to read FB to find that out.......I headed outside, and there it was, with the first snow of the season.  And, today is a definite reminder that November is coming.  Ah, well....I saw some 78*s in the forcast for next we still have some time, yet!


Blessings on your day and mine!!

Love, chari

PS:  I doubt my mind is is mostly full of all the rest I did not write!

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